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Kirk Winemiller

Winemiller, Kirk
Kirk Winemiller
University Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor, Faculty Fellow
216 WFES
Undergraduate Education
B.A. Zoology, Miami University
Graduate Education
M.S. Zoology, Miami University
Ph.D. Zoology, University of Texas-Austin
Courses Taught
ECCB/EEBL 600 Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems
ECCB 462 Amazon River Tropical Biology


Aquatic, Fish, and Community Ecology

Other Professional Experience

Research Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Lecturer, University of Texas
Fulbright Research Scholar, Zambia
Ichthyology Curator, Texas Natural History Collection, Texas Memorial Museum

Research Direction

Fish population and community ecology;  Evolution, ecology, and management of fishes and aquatic ecosystems in temperate and tropical settings;  Specific research interests include:  patterns and mechanisms of resource partitioning in fish communities; life-history strategies and population regulation; predator-prey interactions; relationships between form and ecological function in fishes; management of biodiversity and multi-species fisheries; food web structure and function; responses of fluvial ecological systems to variation in flow regimes.

Publication Links

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AfMK7xQAAAAJ&hl=en

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk_Winemiller

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kirk-Winemiller