Texas chapter members and their supporters contribute significantly to our understanding of fish ecology, fisheries management, and recreational fishing both within the state and nation. At our 2013 Lake Conroe meeting, we recognized individuals and organizations making outstanding contributions both to our chapter and fisheries science. The summaries below offer only a brief glimpse into the broad, important contributions each of our awardees has made.
Special Recognition – Kirk Winemiller
Dr. Winemiller who is a Regents professor at Texas A&M, his students, and collaborators have studied riverine and fish ecology throughout Texas and the world for over 20 years. This work is published in more than 200 scientific publications, agency reports and conference contributions. Dr. Winemiller served on the National Academy of Science committee that reviewed the Texas Instream Flows Program, was a member of the initial Science Advisory Committee established to help state agencies address environmental flows, and has served as an advisor in the development of flow recommendations for several rivers in Texas. Recently he organized two special sessions on environmental flows and river ecosystem connectivity at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Austin, Texas.
Outstanding Fisheries Student – Rebecca Pizano
Rebecca Pizano, an MS student in the fisheries program at Texas A&M University, has maintained a perfect 4.0 grade-point average while immersed in her research. Her project showed how combined impacts of drought, low flows, high salinity, and concentration of pollution severely impacted the aquatic and riparian components of the Lower Neches. During the course of this project, she interacted with state and federal agencies, and has provided research experiences for undergraduate and graduate students as well as visiting international researchers. Rebecca’s research has great potential to impact water management and policy for the lower Neches River. In addition to her academic and research activities, Rebecca is very active in professional and student honor societies, especially those promoting diversity in scientific professions.
Dan Fitzgerald (center) receives the Clark Hubbs Student Research Award from Chapter president George Guillen (left) and Kevin Mayes, Chair of the Clark Hubbs Committee (right).
Presentation Award Winners from 2012 meeting in Galveston
Dan Fitzgerald (Texas A&M University) receives the award from Chapter president George Guillen (left) and Awards Committee Chair Dave Buzan (right) for Best Student Poster “Are successful fish invasions only from species-rich into species-poor communities” from the 2012 meeting in Galveston.